Our Work – The Wishing Well Company

The Wishing Well Foundation

The Wishing Well Company has the purpose of raising awareness of the lack of clean water access in developing regions in Africa. This organization intends to raise money to build water wells in order to give a simple fundamental need of life that might not be available to some.

Our current initiative focuses in on one of the many hearts of Sudan: Darfur, Sudan.

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    We always build first!

    In every region we try increasing clean water availability in, we purchase the first of many wells from our own pockets! This works as an additional way in increasing the legitimacy and transparency of our organization.

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    We employ locals!

    Instead of turning to companies to build our wells, we at the Wishing Well Company seen a dire need of tackling the high unemployment of locals in third world countries. We employ locals in communities that are specialized in building water wells while creating a generous pay wage.

Providing clean and sustainable water sources to many villages

Darfur, Sudan historically has undergone many unimaginable hardships dating back decades. The region in western Sudan, that is challenged developmentally is under great need for increases access to clean water. Since the early 2000’s these conflicts It has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced an estimated two million people.  Disputes over scarce water and grazing land between black African farmers and Arab pastoralist communities triggered the war.  Lack of access to water remains one of the major drivers of the ongoing conflict in Darfur.

Each well costs $1850

It costs about $1850 for us to build a single open brick water well.

Each well produces 900 gallons per day

The typical household consumes 300 gallons daily.

Each well takes approximately 3 weeks to build

After you’ve obtained the proper permits and found the optimal spot for your well…


After you’ve obtained the proper permits and found the optimal spot for your well, you can begin the installation process. Installation involves drilling a 5 to 10 inch in diameter power drill through the earth’s crust until it reaches somewhere beyond 100 feet below the surface. After this has been done, a long steel casing will be inserted to capture water in a controlled manner.

Additional cement and equipment will then be added to ensure that the well is sealed tight and incapable of letting in any harmful contaminants. Though it may come as a surprise, the actual process of drilling and installing the well typically takes the least amount of time. The entire installation can typically be completed in 4 or 5 days.

–Water testing

Though the well may be installed, this does not mean that its water is safe for human consumption. There are a number of contaminants which must be tested for to ensure that the water in the well is safe and clean. If you’re using a team of professionals to create your well, they will often have services available to assist in the testing of water.

Contaminants tested for in well water include fertilizers, septic leakage, nitrates, and iron bacteria. Water testing will typically take anywhere from 1 to 3 days, after which you can move onto the final part of the well creation process.


After water testing has been performed, it is typically necessary for water purification to take place. This is often necessary even if the water has been found to be safe for human consumption. The reason for this is that, in many parts of the country, soil is rich in iron. Iron-rich soil often causes a bevy of different problems with your well, from foul smelling water, to water that stains clothes, and more.

Purification is also used to soften hard water, making it feel more pleasant to the touch, and also allowing it to be drank with greater ease. In total, the purification process usually takes around a day.


All in all, with all steps considered, it will typically take between 2 and 3 weeks to have a new well completely up and running. Of course, depending on several factors, it could take shorter or longer than this. It all depends on how quickly you can secure permits, drill your well, test your water, and get your water purified.

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The Wishing Well Company works to raise money to building water wells by collecting donations, and through the sales of our reusable water bottles. Contribute to the cause today and help us fulfil the wishes of others one bottle at a time!


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Our Work

World Water Issues

Access to Water

According to centres for diseases control and prevention, approximately 780 million people worldwide do not have access to an improved water source, An additional 2.5 billion lack access to improved sanitation. It was reported 1 in 5 girls of primary school age are not in school, while 1 in 6 for boys. This is due to the fact that girls are more likely to be responsible for collecting waster for their family, and thus making it difficult for them to attend school during hours.


Unsafe drinking water and little water availability for sanitation contribute to approximately 88% of deaths from diarrheal diseases, excluding other cause associated diseases. It is estimated 801,000 children younger than 5 years of age pass from diarrhea each year, majority from developing countries. Which accounts to 2200 deaths of children under 5 dying everyday as a result of diarrheal diseases .


Accessibility to sustainable clean water for hydration and hygiene has the potential to prevent at least 9.1% of the global disease burden and 6.3% of all deaths. Together we can provide a better way of life to many by providing something so many of us take for granted. A resource that many of us don’t think twice about using it. When accessing a resource like water is as easy as opening a tap in which unlimited safe free flowing water is provided, its hard to think of it as something others would be able to attain. The thought of going to sleep with the fear of not knowing whether or not water will be available the next day is unimaginable.